Thursday, September 6, 2007

Kids and Cell Phones

When I was little I remember wanting a beeper. "You are not a doctor or a drug dealer so NO" was what my parents told me.

Eventually I talked my dad into buying me one. (My mom was not happy.)It was really
cool, people would call and leave a message and then the message would show as text across the screen.

I don't know why I needed it or wanted it but at the time it seemed like a must have.

That was until cell phones started popping up so then I wanted one of those. Of course "no" was the answer until I got about 14 and then I finally got one. Once again my mom was upset.

Nowadays kids as young as 6 are strapped with cell phones, and not the kiddy kind either. After all I went through as a kid, imagine my surprise when my 9 year old brother and 12 year old sister showed me their spanking new phones. You'll never believe who bought them....My how times change.

I just wonder if having a cell phone is necessary for a kid (emergency purposes) or if it's just a status symbol.

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