Monday, December 10, 2007

Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix comes out on DVD tomorrow, December 11th. Order by next Tuesday to receive it by Christmas via regular shipping.

If you are behind in your Harry Potter watching and you want to catch up, or if you'd just like to have all the Harry Potter movies, the studio is releasing a limited edition boxed set as well. This Harry Potter Boxed Set contains movies 1-5 of the series. By the way, the packaging is really cool.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Bratz Movie Released

Bratz The Movie was released on DVD last week. It's rated PG and it's available in Widescreen and Fullframe.

This will make a good stocking stuffer.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Shopping Season is in full effect

People made a big deal about Black Friday and Cyber Monday. While those days are great, I don't think the vast majority of Christmas shopping has been completed.

When I worked in retail I often had to work on Christmas Eve. Let me tell you, you'd be amazed at how many people wait until the last minute to begin shopping. I hated being stuck in the check out aisle while people shopped and shopped as if they just realized that Christmas was the next day.

I predict that people will wait to the last minute as usual. Whether you shop for toys online or shop in a store, do yourself a favor and get it done sooner as opposed to later.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Yucky Kids Toys

This is very creative and educational but at the same time I have to say "eww."

Giant Microbes are plush toys that resemble...well microbes. According to the site they have:
The Common Cold, The Flu, Sore Throat, Stomach Ache, Cough, Ear Ache, Bad Breath, Kissing Disease, Athlete's Foot, Ulcer, Martian Life, Beer & Bread, Black Death, Ebola, Flesh Eating, Sleeping Sickness, Dust Mite, Bed Bug, and Bookworm (and in our Professional line: H.I.V. and Hepatitis).

Kids are germy enough. Why do they have to play with toys that help emphasize that? But on the other hand this would be a good tool for all the future doctors and scientists out there.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Kids and Cell Phones

When I was little I remember wanting a beeper. "You are not a doctor or a drug dealer so NO" was what my parents told me.

Eventually I talked my dad into buying me one. (My mom was not happy.)It was really
cool, people would call and leave a message and then the message would show as text across the screen.

I don't know why I needed it or wanted it but at the time it seemed like a must have.

That was until cell phones started popping up so then I wanted one of those. Of course "no" was the answer until I got about 14 and then I finally got one. Once again my mom was upset.

Nowadays kids as young as 6 are strapped with cell phones, and not the kiddy kind either. After all I went through as a kid, imagine my surprise when my 9 year old brother and 12 year old sister showed me their spanking new phones. You'll never believe who bought them....My how times change.

I just wonder if having a cell phone is necessary for a kid (emergency purposes) or if it's just a status symbol.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Toy Recall Madness

What's with all these toy recalls?

I was watching the news last night and they were talking about a Mattel recall. I was thinking"lady, you are about two weeks late". Then I heard that they wouldn't be announcing what the recall was on until today.

Another one?

Well at least they are getting it out of the way before the holiday season rolls around. Nothing like a little fear of lead poisoning to kill the spirit of the holidays.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Girls Still Like Polly Pocket?

My little cousin was telling me about all the toys she wanted this christmas. She mentioned Polly Pocket and I was surprised. I guess I shouldn't be because after all, if Barbie is still popular then why wouldn't Polly be because she's much younger.

It just seemed so odd because I was a little younger than her when Polly Pocket first came out. I never wanted one, but I do remember the commercials.

They've come a long way. From the small little compact that included a doll, to these elaborate toy sets.

Webkinz - What Will They Think Of Next?

What an idea!

Combine the appeal of beanie babies with the coolness of gigapets and what do you get? Webkinz.

This is not a new toy, it's been around since 2005 but I'm just now hearing about it. What will they think of next?

What exactly are Webkinz?

According to Wikipedia:
"The toys are similar to many other small plush toys, however they come with a special code on their labels that allows access to the "Webkinz World" which is a site website to "adopt" a virtual version of the pet for virtual interaction. There is are also smaller versions of the toys called "Lil' Kinz""

Why are they cool?

Webkinz combine the real with the virtual which is a winning combination. Kids will be entertained for quite awhile as they navigate through the different features.